Hello Scorum

Another week has passed and it seems as we are finally going to leave summer behind us. It was a long and intense one, and I pretty much lived it to the MAX. Even though I am already feeling a bit blue, I am also looking forward to some cooler and more comfortable days which will bring me back in to mountain and forest. Yeah, autumn will see me way more active than I have been lately, I can't wait to the folks out for some walks and hikes. And to be honest, I am also hoping to spend less time online, I really need a break from all the things I have been doing on the PC recently. Internet is great but also time and energy consuming and I need to get back into the real world. But don't worry, I will always be with you all here on Scorum, and keep the things I started running.


Let's get back to the nominations. I always come up with the same, very simple question:

Which user here at Scorum deserves a little attention and should be supported by me for a week?

We got three people stopping by and they all nominated or voted for the same writer, who has been active since about two years and sees to be very consistent. Great, it was an easy and thankful pick for me this week, very nice to have you guys keeping my initiative alive.

And congrats go out to @agfnz10