Hello Scorum

Another weekend has passed and I am getting ready for another promising week. Not sure what will be possible the next couple of days, but fortunately I won't be too busy. Hopefully I can even find some time to spend with the folks and to head out a bit. Since winter is gone it now looks like if spring will jump in and take over the reign anytime soon. I am looking forward to seeing some fresh green and some colors again. And I would love to get out of town for a while but I guess that needs to wait for a while, until the whole situation will eventually be solved and we can move around freely again. Fingers crossed that will be soon!


Let's get back to the nominations. I always come up with the same, very simple question:

Which user here at Scorum deserves a little attention and should be supported by me for a week?

This week we got two new nomination, and I went for the writer who has been more active. Thanks to everyone joining and supporting my initiative.

And congrats go out to @roll-over-odds