Hello Scorum

It's March already and something like spring is lingering in the air. It might be still a couple of days but we are on the right way. Recently there are many days with blue skies and all the snow which was covering everything for weeks has completely vanished. I feel it is time for some new start pretty soon. Over here in the Far East April is the month for the big reset. The school year starts and so do universities, most companies start there business year and hire new employees. In many companies there will be a big rotation between the different departments and lots of people have to move around the country to there. Other people take up some new challenges, it feels like it is time for something fresh and different. I am not completely sure how much my life will be affected but hopefully something exciting will happen. But I am ready to embrace everything to the fullest!


Nominations for WEEK 10

This gonna be the tenth round of Scorum Patronage in 2021. I usually ask you a very simple question:

Which user here at Scorum deserves a little attention and should be supported by me for a whole week?

Please nominate some Scorum users who needs some support or some initial boost. I am thinking about all those new members of our growing and creative community but also about everyone else who is having a hard time finding its place here on Scorum.