Hello Scorum

It is a beautiful day out there today, with mild temperatures and a wonderful blue sky. I would really love to take a break and get out of the city and hit some park or forest. Even though there isn't so much fresh green yet, it is still better than being stuck between all those building around me. Hopefully the good weather will continue a little longer and I can get out on Saturday or Sunday. So far the forecast for the weekend is rain but I am keeping my fingers crossed that they are wrong. Maybe I should head to the sea and go for a beach walk, now after winter there are many interesting things to explore along the shore. Well... let's see!


Nominations for WEEK 11

This gonna be the eleventh round of Scorum Patronage in 2021. I usually ask you a very simple question:

Which user here at Scorum deserves a little attention and should be supported by me for a whole week?

Please nominate some Scorum users who needs some support or some initial boost. I am thinking about all those new members of our growing and creative community but also about everyone else who is having a hard time finding its place here on Scorum.