February is moving along and during the last days winter has showed us that the cold season isn't over yet at all. But winter doesn't mean it's time to be lazy, therefor I want to continue with my little series where I once a week introduce the writer, who I assisted in the last round of my Scorum Patronage initiative.

The last beneficiary was @ran.koree, whose blog I checked out for a whole seven days to read his articles and to support him with my upvotes.

What is Scorum Patronage?

Scorum Patronage is my commitment to support and motivate new and aspiring writers, and to help same to get some needed attention.

You can read more about it in last week's nomination post:


Who is @ran.koree?

@ran.koree is a Scorum member who had found his way over here just at the end of last year. He seems to be located in the Italy and his articles are quite different to most of the posts here on Scorum.

He isn't too much into writing sport blogs, instead he is using his creative energy for some great and inspiring drawings and some artistic designing.

He chooses different motives from the world of sports, like athletes and sport scenes, and then creates some drawing and shares the different versions in his articles. A few times he has also chosen some chess tokens as motive, I'd think that he pretty much likes this games.

In particular I like his drawing of wrestler Hulk Hogan, since it brought back quite some nostalgic feelings and memories.


I think those kind of articles definitely should be found on Scorum as well and I am glad to see that @ran.koree could already stir up some attention and is getting some good post reward. Hopefully my little assistance during the last week has helped to encourage him to continue sharing his work with us at Scorum.

I am sure that he soon can build up some big followership. And @ran.koree, don't worry. I will surely continue to check out what you have to show and also to say in the future as well, even this round of Scorum Patronage has ended.

And everybody else, please have a look at his blog, say Hello to him and check out some of his posts and drawings. And I am sure he will be happy about some encouraging comment or upvote as well.

The next nomination round is coming soon

The last couple of weeks I have always been running a little late with the Scorum Patronage nomination round. This week in contrary I want to start a little earlier, since I have to close the nomination early on Saturday.

I am planning to be on the road for a few days so from Sunday on I won't be able to be so active on Scorum as I would like.

But that won't stop me from upvoting this and the next round's winners and also other quality articles, I just might get a bit behind but I will definitely check out my news feed on a permanent basis.

That's said I hope to catch all of you soon when I need your help again to nominate some Scorum writers who could use some support and assistance. And while you'll be on it it could be a good chance to check out the other nominations, you might discover some real gem and some great articles which you shouldn't miss out.

I am always open for your comments or suggestion, and you can also talk to me in the Scorum Patronage discord channels I am running on the I am Scorum server.

Catch you all soon!

Love and Respect !