Hello Scorum

What's going on crew?

I made it back home after a long but quite alright journey without any bad surprises this time. This time I was one step ahead and the virus will need until tomorrow to catch up with me. Borders will be closed and quarantine ordered for those who come from the Schengen area. Maybe that's the way to go and maybe I already caught the virus myself. Time will tell and hopefully we will all survive those days without any harm and loss.

Personally for me it kinda means two weeks of self-quarantine without the chance to work and make some money. Too bad the crypto market isn't encouraging at all and SCR too took another plunge today. Well nothing new and notable some might say and perhaps they will be right. However I rather need some motivating news for myself to keep going and to stay sane. Sports is off, people practice social distancing and some are already experts in it. Guess they had quite some years of practice to be able to show of those skills already :)

Whatever folks, we are still alright and ready to rock the world. Stay with me if you want to be on top of the world some day, my path might be wrong but it's faster ;)

Nominations for WEEK 12

This gonna be the twelves round of Scorum Patronage in 2020. I usually ask you a very simple question:

Which user here at Scorum deserves a little attention and should be supported by me for a whole week?

Please nominate me some Scorum users who need some support or some initial boost. I am thinking about all those new members of our growing and creative community but also about everyone else who is having a hard time finding its place here on Scorum.

Alright, that is all for today, I am wishing all of you a great rest of the day and a week full of exciting tasks and encouraging challenges.

Feel free to leave me some comments or critics, since I am still planning on improving my initiative. Just hook me up with your thoughts.

Catch all you guys soon...

Love and Respect !