Hello Scorum

Due to the technical problems we were experiencing last week I was running late with my last round of Scorum Patronage. I haven't digged too much into what happened and I am rather too tired to do it right now. Life has become pretty challenging these days and I decided to keep things short and simple for today. If you don't know what Scorum Patronage is please check out my latest post where you can read everything about it. Hopefully I can stick more to my schedule from now on, the next round should therefor start on Thursday again.


Let's get back to the nominations. I always come up with the same, very simple question:

Which user here at Scorum deserves a little attention and should be supported by me for a week?

This week we got one nomination, thanks a lot to Izge!!, so it was very easy to come to an decision!

Congrats again to @pantapradip, I am looking forward to your next articles!

We gonna have a brand-new Scorum member this week to support and I am glad that there are still people joining here, even in this hard days. He has been posting here quite a lot recently and I just want to leave one more advice here; quality before quantity. So please take it easy and try to come up with some unique information rather then just echoing the recent news everyone has already read on other websites. However, I hope you will enjoy your time here and become part of our small but still slightly optimistic community.

Alright, that is all for today, I am wishing all of you a great rest of the day and a week full of exciting tasks and encouraging challenges.

Feel free to leave me some comments or critics, since I am still planning on improving my initiative. Just hook me up with your thoughts.

Catch all you guys soon...

Love and Respect !