Hello Scorum!

I hope all of you had a great weekend here on Scorum and in the real world. Since it is Sunday again I am here to announce the winner of the next Scorum Patronage.

But before I start let me say thank you to all you great folks who always support my little initiative and to everyone who joined the nominations. I am glad you are still with me, what really encourages me to keep this thing going.

What is Scorum Patronage?

My idea behind Scorum Patronage is to assist and promote other writers to get their articles seen by the the rest of the Scorum community. We all had that experience before and know that blogging can be tough, so it is important to stay motivated.

That is the reason why I want to check out and read all posts of the "choice of the community" for a whole week.

You can find this round's announcement by following this link:


Let's get back to the nominations. I always come up with the same, very simple question:

Which user here at Scorum deserves a little attention and should be supported by me for a week?

We had only one nomination this time, and after having a first look at that user's profile I have the feeling that he is real. Therefor we got a clear winner!

Congrats to ivana sports @tito39222

Ivana sports was nominated by @dexpartaus, who is also getting a big upvote from me for nominating this weeks winner first. I am very glad you are always with us and supporting me with your upvotes and nominations. Grazie!

Let's see where I am getting myself in here this week but I am looking forward to some interesting articles to read and to vote for. I will start upvoting from Monday and also leave Ivana sports a comment telling her that she will be assisted by Scorum Patronage this coming week. Hopefully she will be able to find some new readers for her blogs and feels encouraged to provide us with some more quality posts.

When upvoting through Scorum Patronage I am ready to use up to 100 % of my voting power, however this really depends on the quality of each post. And just to keep everyone focused, I am still aware of some ongoing abuse here on Scorum and I had to deal with some cases here at Scorum Patronage as well. As soon as I notice that some beneficiary won't stick to some certain quality level I strictly reserve me the right to refuse my vote and even to cancel my support at all.

Some final words...

Sometimes I have the feeling that for some users here Scorum is like a new religion and criticizing the project, the developing team or the community is a mere sacrilege and equal to spreading fud or fake news.

Not only me has been here at Scorum for while and realized many of the things that have been going wrong. The reason we are still here continuing what we have started is that we have still some hope and trust left, but of course we are more than eager to see things improved. And we don't want to see some simple lip serve anymore, talk is cheap and results speak more than words.

I am still optimistic that the devs will deliver more of what they have promised, however nothing will and can't stop me from speaking my mind and sharing my thoughts. Call it whatever you want if you need, but since it's not worth my time arguing with you, you better just safe your breath! Got it?

Anyways folks, I am glad there are still lots of cool cats out here who share the same vision. Therefor I am looking for to another exciting week here at Scorum, to some interesting reads and stimulating interaction. I hope you are all going to be with me when I will open the next Scorum Patronage nomination round in a few days.

As always I am also open to your comments and suggestions. Just drop me a line or visit me in the Scorum Patronage channels which I am running on the "I am Scorum" Discord server. Stop by and and say "Hi" even if you just want to chat.

You can also find the latest announcements and the profiles of all the former beneficiaries. Feel free to join building a place were people share ideas about how to support other community member's grow and how to make the Scorum platform a huge success.

Catch all you guys soon...

Love and Respect !