Hello Scorum..

Another weekend is going to be over soon and hopefully we will all have a great week ahead. It's mid-summer over here and the rainy season gonna be over very soon, that's the time when the real summer heat will kick in.

Since it is summer in most parts of the northern hemisphere I call this another reason why things here on Scorum are a little slow right now. Sure there are some fundamental issues too, but those have been addressed over and over again before.

Today I am here to announce the winner of this week's Scorum Patronage. Big thanks go out to everyone who has been supporting me and my little initiative, I really appreciate this form of encouragement.

What is Scorum Patronage?

My idea behind Scorum Patronage is to assist and promote other writers to get their articles seen by the the rest of the Scorum community. We all had that experience before and know that blogging can be tough, so it is important to stay motivated.

That is the reason why I want to check out and read all posts of the "choice of the community" for a whole week.

You can find this round's announcement by following this link:


Let's get back to the nominations. I always come up with the same, very simple question:

Which user here at Scorum deserves a little attention and should be supported by me for a week?

This week we got three nominations of whom one was a Scorum Patronage beneficiary just a few weeks ago. However I think this is still a decent number, considered the slow participation we often have.

I then had a look at the other two nominees @stellar and @chessarbiter and decided to go for a shared Patronage again. But let me explain you my reasons.

@stellar has joined Scorum only in July and so far made two post which got quite a big post reward. @chessarbiter has been on Scorum since May and been writing since then, but only his most recent post got him earning a decent reward on his articles. He also seems too have acquired quite a nice amount of SP by himself and then powered up his wallet. Something I really appreciate.

Therefor I guess it would be the best idea to support both of them this week, giving each the chance of earning a 50% upvote for one article a day until coming Sunday.

Special thanks go out to @jon.bonomo and @promo.scr for leaving this nominations. I am glad to have you on board, supporting my little initiative. I will leave some nice upvote on your comments.

I will start upvoting from Monday and also leave both winners a comment telling them that they will be assisted by Scorum Patronage this coming week. Hopefully they will be able to find some new readers for their blogs and feels encouraged to provide us with some more quality posts.

As written above I am planning to give out a 50% vote for each of them, however this really depends on the quality of each post. And just to keep everyone focused, I am still aware of some ongoing abuse here on Scorum and I had to deal with some cases here at Scorum Patronage as well. As soon as I notice that some beneficiary won't stick to some certain quality level I strictly reserve me the right to refuse my vote and even to cancel my support at all.

Anyways, I am looking forward to some interesting reads and get linked up to some different users here on Scorum again.

Some final words...

Recently there seem to be some issues about users who are powering down and cashing out. Sure it is everybody's own stage and we all can do as we wish.

But however, don't expect a round of applause when powering down guys. We are in a very tough situation here on Scorum and every sales order will pressure the Scorum price even more. Not sure what is the purpose for cashing out, I can't see a serious reason to get rid of huge amounts of Scorum coins to only get a few bugs. 1000 SCR is only 10 $ right now, and nobody can tell me that they really need those few bugs to pay for their living. Considered the fees for converting it into fiat, there won't be much left.

As for me, I just simply reckon that if you really care about the SCR price, you will refrain from chasing out these days to not drive the price even lower.

As for now I am hoping for some better days the next update here on Scorum. I am rather curious whether the devs finally managed to fix some our major concerns.

Have a great week everyone and stay tuned since I will open the next nomination round in only a few days. Hope to see you there again!

As always I am also open to your comments and suggestions. Just drop me a line or visit me in the Scorum Patronage channels which I am running on the "I am Scorum" Discord server. Stop by and and say "Hi" even if you just want to chat.

You can also find the latest announcements and the profiles of all the former beneficiaries. Feel free to join building a place were people share ideas about how to support other community member's grow and how to make the Scorum platform a huge success.

Catch all you guys soon...

Love and Respect !