Hello Scorum

How are things everyone? we have started a new month and somehow I am full of hope that this will be a good one. I don't expect miracles but something good will come out for all of us. Over here in the Far East we are just facing a couple of typhoons this week which will bring extraordinary hot weather as well. Actually we would be facing the beginning of autumn, the rice cutting in some places has already started, but summer seems to linger a little longer this year right until mid-September at least. I kinda enjoy late summer, it brings a different feeling and a little bit I got used to the heat and humidity. And I am just not ready for the cooler season, which soon enough will knock on our doors. So please keep up your hope and expectations, something good is in the coming!


Nominations for WEEK 36

This gonna be the thirty sixth round of Scorum Patronage in 2020. I usually ask you a very simple question:

Which user here at Scorum deserves a little attention and should be supported by me for a whole week?

Please nominate some Scorum users who needs some support or some initial boost. I am thinking about all those new members of our growing and creative community but also about everyone else who is having a hard time finding its place here on Scorum.