It has been quite a while that I have written something here and to be honest I haven't even checked on this website for a long time. However I have somehow been following and observing the way Scorum went and until recently I was quite aware about the thing that happened and the road we are heading.
But unfortunately I was having some problems with my smartphone and now I am not longer able to lock into my Telegram account anymore and therefore cannot access the Scorum channel to see if there are any news or updates.
That where my question comes from, as I really want to stay up to date anymore.
Here on this website I couldn't find too many recent announcement, so could someone let me know where, aside from Telegram, I can find the latest Scorum announcement and any updates the Scorum team has left.
Maybe someone could leave some links to those channel so I could connect with those places. I would really appreciate your help!
Have a great day everyone and let us keep our fingers crossed, that Scorum will finally find their place on the top of the world.