Dance, Jump and Bike

This is a test post for two RESEARCH areas / Reasons:

A - To find out if the audience here is open for a post where you write about the love of a daughter incl. her favourite sport that is not very male lol

B - To check whether you can write a post via mobile (formatting doable or not)

So Scorumers - think point B is already answered. FEATURE Request - we need more options in terms of text layout editing via browser OR / AND an app. We also need options to edit photos (rotate at least) as you can see below as my daughter jumps from right to left versus to the top. I also found out some tags need to be created e.g. for biking or bikes or cycling and jumping.

Dancing is one of the little ones favourite things and some people even call this a sport, now let us see how the photo can be inserted via mobile phone.

Ok this looks better, dancing on a show stage in Tunisia 😎. Yesterday she got a new bike due to her 5th birthday - she loves biking but we have a format issue again (editing now so it looks not too shitty here!)

My girl riding a bike training circuit....

I hope you do not mind or flag this as being a shit post but I learned at least what can be done yet. I love Scorum and am sure some of these features come soon.

PS: I might edit this once back at my laptop in order to make it look more appealing (edited some headers and one photo positioning at least) as well as enhancing the content. All photos are mine!