Todays era is the era of Crypto currency and the old types of currency are fading away. The growth of Crypto currency in present media has put on the system of blockchain where every one is benifited. And Scorum has brought an exciting combination of state of art to audiance.

Here are the reasons that Scorum's vision for future sports will come true:

#. Fairly Rewarding the Amazing Audiance of 1 Billion :-

Media corporation make billions by harvesting the data of the users, so the users should get a slice of juicy pie from that harvesting. Scorum serves this from their own oven as half of the scorum advertising revenue will be distributed among the audiance.

Our goal is to provide fans easy acess to the cryptoworld by sharing their passion to the sports. We help the authors by creating and curiating the content and accumilating thereward both in Scorum power & scorum coins.

But scorum is not promising overnight rich but help in curiating the passion of the fans for sports in form on contents like articles, blogs, visual links.... So creating more enriched sports experience.

# The Team Dedicated to Stunning Sport's Coverage:-

Scorum's co-founder has years of experience in sports joutnalism. Poker, vame theory and user interface design. They have also launched and run the most popular fantasy sports show on Russia languaged Internet segment. They know the potential, have far vission of blockchain system.

Co founder and early invesohave already gone all in Scorum :

* Assigned 30 talented members for coding, marketing & desing the scorum platform.

* Seeking far visionary blockchain system to make Econmy work.

* putting sports catogary first by reating the reinvestment strategy.

* bonding up with best business investors to speed up envelop of blockchain strayegy.

* Managing to find top athelets for promotion the platform.

# Legal Compliance Verified by Attorneys :-

The international and local regulations of Crypto currency based projects are in state of change.

For local and European advisory, scorim relays on Revera, a top bussiness law firm from past 18 years. And also patched up with Velton- Zegelman company based in San Francisco.

#, Scorum's got a Significant Head starter & Nailed the Time:-

The scorum team has invested month in developing the platform :

* Building the block chain protocol.

* Creating a functional statics.

* Building a bloging platform for sports editorial article's.

# Surefire Technology at its Core to ensure Stable Econmy :-

Scorum’s scalable economy is based on the fast and free transactions of the Graphene Framework.

Scorum uses Microsoft Azure cloud servers to ensure quick and seamless access to the platform no matter how high traffic levels get.