TeamNepal is one of the most popular names on Steemit for Steemians from Nepal. We have helped many Nepali Steemians to get a boost on the platform. From organizing contests to giving SBD to good writers we have helped as much as we could. We have 500 followers and all are organic without we following anybody. To confirm that this is legit @teamnepal, we have posted about scorum in our Steemit post too.

LOGO of @TeamNepal

This is the post where Steemians from Nepal are supposed to comment to get their 0.5 SBD for joining scorum. We hope you will be very active here because you can succeed in this newer platform more than in the corrupted platform of Steemit.

We will change our logo, especially for scorum later, but for now, we will have the same logo from Steemit. 

TeamNepal scorum is an account created to help all Nepali. With this post what we want to mention is we will be more active on scorum than in Steemit. We have researched many new blockchain social media because Steemit is corrupted and we have found scorum is the best one. 


Scorum is a blockchain based sports social media. You can post about any sport on this platform. But blogging is just one part of scorum, we will have commission free betting and fantasy in the platform later. This will make a huge boost in the price of scorum. Furthermore, the team is great and one of the biggest advantages is this platform won't have any bots. Sports is watched by over 3 billion people in the world and everyone wants their voice to be heard by everyone and everyone wants to know others view.

You have this amazing opportunity to get yourself following and more power in the platform which looks like a future giant. Everything is in your hand! 

Good luck!