We all know that there’s no law stating that it’s prohibited to have multiple accounts on Scorum, therefore, people could choose to have multiple accounts for various purposes. It could be to promote a brand or their personal or collaborative content.

It’s not a big surprise that a lot of people will abuse blogging platforms at the slightest opportunity and creating multiple accounts is one of them. Having multiple accounts in the real sense does not really give you advantage of rewards. If you have 10 accounts with 500 SP each or one account with 5000 SP, your upvotes are worth exactly the same rewards in both cases. Aside that, it’s stressful to manage one account talks more of multiple.

Just as we have on steemit, a time is coming when this will lead to corruption and a lot of people will want to abuse the system by creating multiple accounts to fraud the system. Although it’s already happening but it will increase with time. Of course, many of us have a bunch a SIM cards as well as a shitload of email accounts used for different things, so it’s not my business to tell people to stick to one accounts or not.

I’m not really sure where this will lead but one this I'm sure of is that sooner or later there would be consequences. The consequences would be that you will be seeing monosyllabic comments or posts with thousands of Dollars. Multiple accounts owners don't really care about the growth of the community. All they are after is profit to use multiple accounts to reap from the pool. Taking measures on preventing this from happening is inevitable

Don't you think that people can abuse a system if there's possibility? For example investing huge sums of money in several "fake" account and drain the rewards with self upvote? Do you think an algorithms can do an excellent job in handling multiple accounts to @cheetah? 

I drop my pen at this juncture. Please let me hear your views