Alpha Site

Coming Soon

Today I wanted to give everyone a peek at what's going on behind the scenes at One thing is for sure, we're lucky to have a Scorum Poker League player as our Developer!

Our Developer

Many moons ago, a young lad by the name of ilbirraiooo came to visit me in the Scorum Poker chat. Out of nowhere I see this stranger who appears to enjoy the finer qualities of beer say to me ... "I am a developer if you need help Tuck!".

To which my mind quickly replied ...

His Name is Birra

No it's not, but that's what I call him ... cuz he likes beer ... a lot I hear! I mean who doesn't amirite, but I hear tales of lore about this one.

There is this lady who hangs out in our chat ... well we can't get rid of her actually, no matter how mean we are to her ... and she told me one day that Birra not only consumes the amber goodness ... he brews it!

I've yet to confirm the stories with him, for I fear I'm taking far too much of his free time as it is by telling him the 10 millions things I'd like to see on the site within a week. =)

He Loves Poker

One thing is for sure about Birra, he loves poker (and beer)! I'm not real sure this guy even sleeps. He claims to have a full-time job doing really important stuff like keeping the oil industry working so we can all drive to get weed ... or something like that.

But anyway, enough about Birra, let's take a look at what he's cooking up in the Scorum Poker Labs (Hint : it's not meth).

Alpha Site

Beta sites are sooo 2016, so we're rolling out our Alpha Site images to set the newest trend for 2019. Below you can see our login page complete with words, images and links like most websites.


Homepage with shiny things and spinning stuff.

Login Interface

Login page.

Tourney Stats

Tournament Stats Page with shiny graphics for your millennial eyes. #alpha

Ring Game Stats

Ring Game Stats. #alpha


So there you have it. Birra has been hard at work in between his real job saving the world from running out of weed, keeping the beer supply going and keeping his wife happy ... thanks man!

If you'd like to support his work (and please do), be sure to give him a follow on his blog, upvote his posts and give him a big "Thank you!" for doing all of this for us!

Hell even consider sending him a tip on the poker site if you like. We will have an easy method for doing this in the near future. Birra is also translating most all Scorum Poker posts into Italian, so he's going above and beyond the call of duty here. =)