In July I published post about Scorum statistics. Some days ago I met it and decided to update data. I have waited the end of September, downloaded new transaction from blockchain in my magic box, and now I'm ready to present it to you.
So firstly let's take a look at natural numbers, I mean:
- new users quantity;
- number of posts;
- number of upvotes;
- number of commetns.
For the convinient reason I divided info on two charts.
As you see almost all lines have decreasing or side trend. Only number of votes increases. The most threatfull mometn is reducing of new users because I hope that Scorum are going to have much more than current 28.5K users.
After reviewing quantity characters let's try to analyze quality characters. I decided to use DAU (daily active users), WAU (weekly active users) and MAU (monthly active users) to understang how stable is the Scorum audience. By the way while witing active user I mean yser who made at least one of the next actions during the observed period: upvote, comment, post, flag.
The number of daily users grew steadily until the beginning of September, after it stabilized at the level of 1400 - 1600 users. In fact, the DAU indicator is not the most interesting in analyzing user activity, it simply gives an idea of how many users use the platform on a daily basis. The WAU and MAU indicators are much more interesting, because they show how users are "affected" to the platform. Also, using these indicators, we will try to calculate a somewhat like retention rate, that shows the proportion of customers who permanently use the product for several periods.
As can be seen on the chart, the number of WAU has stabilized at around 3000 in the last 5 weeks . At the same time, the proportion of regular users and, the retention rate is increasing. However, the number of new active users is decreasing. Also the fact that it is not visible on the graph, but it is worth noting that in recent weeks the number of inactive new users has increased, that is, users who have registered but have not performed any actions on the blogging platform.
On the MAU chart you can see that the number of monthly users is dominated by beginners. You can also see that the number of users in September fell down compared with the number of users in August. However, it should be recognized that four (and in fact even three) months is not enough to fully analyze the MAU indicator. Therefore, this graph can be considered as a kind of addition to the weekly data.
As a result of analysis I can make some conclusion:
1. Scorum has moved from the growth stage to the stability stage: the number of new users has slightly decreased and is kept at a stable level, and many of the new users do not make any actions on the platform.
2. It can be assumed that the average activity of a new user is from several days to a couple of weeks. This hypothesis requires additional verification.
What do you think about this data? Scorum reached it ceiling or is there a place to grow? Write your thoughts in the comments.