It has been more than two years since Scurum was born,We are still waiting for the day when we will see Scorum among the top 100 currencies.

What if the price returns above 10 cents or more?

This may restore hope to many Scorum fans,It may have a significant positive impact on Scorum's return to activity more,so the number of writers will increase,We will see more articles and posts. It is natural for Scurum community to grow.

There are some things that should not be neglected in my view...

Effective marketing:

The success of any company or product depends primarily on advertising and good marketing,the more society knows you and the quality of your product, they will come to you.

Community opinions and tips:

Always successful companies do not lose sight of the feedback from their users,because it helps a lot in developing the product and service provided to the community interested in your product and services.

please ask everyone to support Scorum and give them advice or opinions...(HUNTER).