90-year-old Stan Roror jumped thousands of feet high despite missing legs and shocked the world

There are so many things happening in the world that are so amazing, and the work of those who do them has to be appreciated. Something similar happened in the United States, where an old man set an example of courage and told that one should not be afraid of anything,

The 90-year-old man in the US jumped off the plane and shocked the world. At the age of 90, he jumped to a height of 13,000 feet and landed successfully.

Stan Rourner taught mathematics and physics for a while and is now retired.

One day his daughter said him that he too would dare and go ski-diving with him on the plane.

Unexpectedly Stan answered yes to this question.

His daughter said that she had asked her father jokingly, but because of his courage, he agreed to the dangerous task.

According to her daughter, he is still the best tennis player and lost both legs due to blood clots in the 80s.

Earlier, he had been the best motorcycle driver and now defeated teenagers by playing tennis on wheelchairs.

In addition, Stan is an expert on sailing by small boat. This boat is specially designed for him whom Stan steers with great skill. Stein has described the experience as beautiful and unforgettable after landing at thousands of feet high.

According to her daughter, her father's zeal is high at age and his determination is also a major reason for many to develop a passion.