Dear Scorum community, as many of you, I am part of the crypto world, a very stressful job because of the instability of the actual market; because of that I was looking a different sport to practice, one I have never practiced, searching on different places I found that one of the most de-stressing sports was "Tennis", one week until today I can say that is totally truth, nothing compares to the sensation of hitting the ball with the racket, either with an opponent or on the wall.  

My day and view

Definitely, a sport that is energy releasing ; playing tennis brings with it a series of benefits for physical and mental health. Some are short-lived, like the stress relief that comes with training. Others help you in the long term, such as weight loss due to constant activity or the improved self-confidence that comes with improving your ability in a complex task.

I will quote some of the great benefits of Tennis, based on social and scientific studies:

Stress Relief

A session of moderate to vigorous exercise can improve your mental state by stimulating your body to produce serotonin, a neuro-chemical directly associated with a positive mental state. According to Dr. Mehmet Oz in "YOU: The Owner's Manual," 20 to 30 minutes of exercise can be as effective as a dose of anti-depressants when it comes to relieving anxiety, depression and stress. Tennis, because it is played with a partner, adds the social element that can further improve your attitude, your level of stress and your personal happiness.

Monday practice

Cardiovascular exercise

Playing tennis raises your heart rate during the game and burns extra calories to help you lose weight. The high rhythm of the heart when you play tennis and do other cardiovascular exercises improves your circulation, reducing the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and cardiac arrests. According to an Internet health source, HealthStatus, a 169-pound (72-k) person burns 220 calories in 30 minutes of a single tennis game, enough to lose one pound of weight per week just for playing tennis. casual way with friends.


Developing your development in a difficult task like tennis improves your self confidence in correlation with your level of mastery. According to tennis coach Brian Ruffner in "Motivational Traits of Elite Junior Tennis Players," for teenagers and youngsters who develop their tennis skills, the encouragement of self-confidence is related to the improvement of school work, fewer absences from school and graduation rates. In adults, trust can show a similar improvement in work and personal relationships.

I would like to know your experience playing tennis, tips or anecdotes; have a great day!