The image that usually has of people who lift weights is that of a bulky body, with broad arms, pronounced backs.

Man, usually, and muscular.

Exactly the stereotype that the presenters of the program of the BBC were, "In form and without fear", when they decided to investigate on the truth behind the myths that are repeated in the so-called "testosterone" areas of gyms.

  • Why lifting weights can be more beneficial than you think?
  • What is the ideal weight you should lift in the gym to keep fit?

A space of clear masculine predominance as verified by the three physical preparers and presenters, Tally, Zanna and Vic.

These were the conclusions they reached.

MYTH 1 - It's for men

"Weight training allows you to develop a very good foundation for the body," Tally said, "and that applies to both men and women."

"It allows you to achieve the strength you need to avoid injuries, improve in the sport you like the most and make the most of the rest of your training."

Zanna added that "weight lifting also helps-especially in women-to improve the density of your bones."

"When menopause arrives, we have a higher risk of suffering from osteoporosis than men, so it is important for women to strengthen their bones."

MYTH 2 - It is better to do aerobics

"Once you get off the treadmill in your body, absolutely nothing happens," explains Vic.

"But when you do a full weight training, even if it's only for 30 minutes, you significantly stimulate your metabolism."

"You develop muscle mass and the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn when you are at rest," the personal trainer added.

"Then when you finish your training and you leave the gym your body is still going to be working, burning calories throughout the rest of the day."

MYTH 3 - You can "tone" a muscle

One of the first things people usually ask for when they sign up for a gym is to "tone up" their muscles a bit, a word that Tally says should be "forbidden in the vocabulary."

"In truth, it does not say anything," he adds.

"What we do is develop the muscles and at the same time lose fat, which allows the muscle to be more visible, that's what happens," he explained.

MYTH 4 - Lifting weights makes you more corpulent

"It requires a lot of training and a certain type of diet so you can reach a bulky body," said Tally, adding that "it's usually something that does not happen."

For Zanna that is only achieved if he goes "seven days a week to the gym for years."

The three emphasize that if this is something that worries, what you have to do is not put so much emphasis on the diet, "eat like a normal person and supplement it with a weight training."

MYTH 5 - Women should train like men

According to Tally, people can increase their body weight if they do not do the training correctly, but that does not mean that men and women must perform the same type of exercise.

"Men love to work the trapeze, not women," Zanna laughed.

"For us it is better to train the deltoids, but the most important thing is to pay attention to the form," he added.

What they recommend is "invest your time money and intelligently" in a physical trainer that can explain how to work certain muscles correctly and avoid developing them beyond what you want.

MYTH 6 - You will have results immediately

As Zanna said in one of the points above, the muscles need time, so you can not expect to do a workout and expect results immediately.

The important thing is to keep motivated and have patience.

"Keeping track of your training and seeing how numbers are increasing is much more incentive than aesthetics," said Tally.

"The appearance is simply a consequence of the work and will be that monitoring week after week which will allow you to stay motivated when you do not see much progress in front of the mirror."