Brock Lesnar made Tehelka by interfering during the Main Event match of Hall in a Cell PPV. Wrestling experts also did not expect that Brock Lesnar would be seen again in the WWE ring. But going ahead of everyone's thinking, WWE came with Lesnar and then kept a rematch of the Universal championship for him.

On 2nd November in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, there will be a Triple Threat match between the Roman Ranes, Braun Storman and Brock Lesnar for the Universal title. There are many days remaining in this title match. Paul Hayman, who came to Raw, claimed Brock Lesnar's victory. Paul Hyman said, "I have come here for the same work you have come to. I have come to see the fight in Raw." 72 hours before Roman Ranes and Bron Storman fought against each other in Melbourne, Australia, after spending 24 hours in the flight, they will beat each other in Raw, only for people's entertainment. "" My clients Brock Lesnar is not seeing my promo this time because he has been sleeping on his bed. On November 2, my client in Saudi Arabia will be such a person Joke ...

Brock Lesnar has been put into this match only because WWE has to make an event in Saudi Arabia. In this match, hopefully Pope Bron Storman will win the Roman Rance, and Lesnar will then be trained in UFC Fight.