Early last month officials from Impact Wrestling were noted as having been at the WWE headquarters in Stamford Connecticut. This is interesting considering the stance that the WWE have concerning their perceived competition. There were two Impact wrestling officials while it is unknown who represented WWE in the meeting - though it is noted by WrestlingInc, Vince McMahon was not available for the meeting.

Scott D’Amore and Ed Nordholm represented Impact during this meeting.

Apparently this was a meeting to just introduce everyone from their respective companies to their corresponding equivalent as no specific negotiation was mentioned. Still, this is interesting that WWE are even entertaining Impact as a prospective business partner by having this kind of meeting - it could mean there will be larger meetings in the future involving more than just some footage for WWE specials.

In the past, WWE has licensed footage for the Hardy Boys (Broken gimmick), and AJ Styles (whose televised career was mostly with Impact Wrestling in some iteration over the years).

Source: WrestlingInc.com