I almost never enter this type of contests because I am not an expert in many of the sports that have been the main topic, however I am grateful that this month I can talk about my first game and the love I have for e-sports.

Undeniably since my childhood I've been a gamer, I've been through several consoles from a nes to ps4, but I found the harmonic point of everything about 3 years ago when I started being an exclusive computer player, there and thanks to the influence of a friend of the school I met the one who is by far the biggest competitive Moba in the whole world "League of Legends"

It is impossible not to bring memories to our heads when we read that title, perhaps for some they are more bitter than for others, but this game managed to win a bit of my heart. I joined the game being a complete ignoramus, I bought mana for Garen! and I armed myself with complete life builds for an adcarry like jinx!

Thanks to this game I was able to meet great friends who studied at my school, they were a higher grade and they were quite phenomenal as friends because they offered me a different perpe spective than I had been in different courses. We always managed to put together the whole team, 5 noobs in the crack of the invoker.

Most of the time we only played together for fun, there was not that competitive edge that exists when you're in a ranked, it was all laughter and insults among friends. Mainly me, sometimes I had an inhuman talent to make my team die laughing, when I insulted the most noob of the team. (I do not regret that, because for better or for worse I finally learned to play better)

Something I could learn from league of legends is the power and importance of perseverance, and the fact that everyone is brave behind a monitor.

The constancy was present when playing the competitive mode, the adaptability factor that you have to develop throughout your games was something that always reinvented each battle, if you could not take with 4 people randomly placed on your own team , you were not going to be able to win the victory.

Besides being able to learn from your mistakes, walking on your own steps, seeing your past and witnessing how much you have managed to advance is something league of legends can offer very easily. Personally remember that I was stuck in the lowest elo of the whole game for a month, bronze 5 was my home while I was climbing between the apocentes of hell (full of noobs and children), to my point of maximum completion (platinum 3), where I literally felt like a god playing.

Unfortunately I do not play too competitive, and I could say that I'm a bit rusty but I'm still in gold tier 1, I also became one of the 300 best players of a specific character.

Speaking of characters, my favorite since the riot games announced was Jhin. The cowboy lame from the crack of the summoner who is obsessively in love with the idea of making life and death the best play.

On the other hand, I am still a recurring spectator of the competitive events that take place around the world, e-sports events such as the one that is taking place this month "Worlds 2018", the year in which the Korean teams are extinct of the scene and everything can happen, because the champion of champions "SK TELECOM" could not even pass the regional group phase and was out of the world tournament.

I have also managed to improve my English, being a faithful viewer of English speaking youtuber such as nightblue 3 or brofresco, which are quite funny!

Well in itself I can thank league of legends for all the positive that it has brought to my life, and for the bad too (such as a little toxicity, stress and tiredness haha), but without a doubt it is the most played game in all the world!

This post was my entry for " My first game contest" Join it today!!