See that bright red color? Not good, that’s not a bright side. As Betman expected, after the beautiful two days of value betting at BetScorum, there had to be one bad day. And this one was really bad…
It took all the profits from the first two days, and a little more. Betman will consider that a normal pendulum swing after a pair of good ones. Now, the full stats of value bets for the three days of February goes like this: 17 wins and 21 lost bets, which makes 44,74% of success. In theory, 50% should give a positive outcome, and it should happen in the long run. So far there is 48,02 SCR invested, and the result is -2,07 SCR. On the bright side — SCR is still losing value, and when it hits zero, it will delete all the loses! Which makes every bet — a free bet!
Therefore, since Betman expects some income of close to zero value next week, we are going to continue with a future proof, free value bets!
It’s a day list for February 4th: