on Saturdays i grabbed my brother @louis88 and we went bowling a few rounds.

I have to apologize for the poor image quality, but the front camera of my apple takes bad rather than right pictures in the bad light conditions.

this get definitly a strike by @louis88

The games went really fast if you bowled as a couple, so we played 6 games in total that evening. The first rounds were more like the warm-up rolls that gradually turned into a few strikes :).

the Damn 9 pins always staying on the scorebaord. you know what i mean :(

Here's the final score of round two. A short but deserved win for me :)!

Am I had to admit defeat with over 100 pins less :(

I know for sure that I have neglected bowling too much in the last few years and if it is said that it is free time I will be happy to go back to the track.

Do you also like bowling :) ?