I recovered from bad form and today I've won 3 and lost only 1 game and that one I've lost was not my fault but fault of app which moved my Knight instead of Pawn like I wanted. Anyway I want to show you this I've won despite I was short in material thanks to not good thinking after opening. I was forced to change Knight for Pawn and after some positioning situation on the board looked like this. My pieces are white, black is on the move. He did Nxa3+ and I noticed good it's dangerous situation if I do pxa3 because it's going to be Qb3+ with very high chance of checkmate.

I decided for move Kc1 noticing at least he can't check me in next move. He had both Knights under attack now and didn't expect that. His decision was to return Knight to c4 to protect other Knight under attack of Rook, but he didn't notice what I've wanted to do for long time and that was Qc7+ check!

He's in problem now, Kh8 or Kh6 lead toward direct check mate with Qh7 so he could do only Kg8 or Kf8 and he decided to do last one. Oh! Why man ? Nh7+ with attack on Rook and he could only do Kg8 to get Nxf6+ and lovely attack on King, Queen and Rook at same time!

He resigned after this. It was some kind of French opening which didn't go well for me as you can see here:

If you wonder how did I lose Knight you can see it on bellow picture. I made fast move and as soon as I made it I saw possibility of f6 and fall of Knight.

I kept offering him my pawns in hope to come on Kings line and maybe get something out of this game. He finally removed g line Pawn and I could put Queen on King's line.

Soon after I added Rook there and moved Queen right and returned it and at that point I saw hanging Pawn on c7.

You can review entire game here: https://lichess.org/4zrSIeJ4UiMW

Remember it's amateur rapid Lichess game with 10 minutes for thinking. We are both amateurs with Lichess rating between 1800 and 1900. We are not some players, but I find this game interesting.