A guide to earn Pokédollars fast in Pokémon: Let's Go so you can buy whatever you want, whenever you want!

KANTO - Okay, so you've completed the main storyline of Pokémon: Let's Go! and now you are battling Master Trainers, trying to fill up your Pokédex, or maybe you're just trying to explore the corners of Kanto that you breezed by on your way through the storyline. One thing you may be wondering is, "How can I earn enough money so I can get tons of Poké Balls, accessories for my Pikachu/Eevee, or change the nature of my Pokémon whenever I please?"

Well, have no fear! This is the guide to show you how to earn loot fast, which can be sold for big money and will earn you plenty of Pokédollars in no time!

Celadon Department Store

For me personally, I want to get the Pikachu crown from the accessory shop in the Celadon Department store. Why? Because, well, it's a fricken crown, and because it's the most expensive item in the game, so I can flex my wallet. But getting 999,999 Pokédollars is not an easy amount of currency to gather. It would require a lot of battling and little to no purchasing of items from a Pokémart, which would make battling a little more difficult, and the game a little less fun.

However, I have a way to earn loot fast, which can be exchanged for Pokédollars at the Pokémart for big money and can get you 999,999 Pokédollars in a matter of hours!

NOTE - To get to the location I am going to tell you about (Cerulean Cave), you must have already beaten the game. The only way you can enter the cave is once you have beaten the Elite Four and the Final Victory Road Trainer.

So, to start farming loot, you must go to Cerulean City and head northwest into the Cerulean Cave (where you catch Mewtwo).

Entrance to Cerulean Cave

From here you must enter the cave, enter the water and surf over to the first landing straight ahead. Climb up the ladder on that landing and you have reached your destination! Below is a video of what the floor looks like that you will be farming loot from.

Video of Celadon Cave floor where you can farm loot

See all the bright, sparkly spots on the ground? That's where you will want to start mashing the A button. In all of those spots is where loot randomly spawns every few minutes. If you go to the big crystal in the middle of the cave (Where my character is standing in the cover photo of this article) that is where you will find the most unique loot in the cave. The loot will be so valuable that you probably won't want to sell it!

Here are some of the items you will find when farming loot in this area:

  • Golden Razz Berry
  • Golden Pinap Berry
  • Golden Nanab Berry
  • Master Ball
  • 10 Ultra Balls (you get them in bunches of 10, or sometimes just 1 at a time)
  • Great Ball
  • Poké Ball
  • Old Amber (Aerodactyl)
  • Max Revive 
  • Helix Fossil
  • Dome Fossil

For me, I typically just sell the Golden Berries and keep everything else. Each of the Golden Berries goes for 2,500 Pokédollars. After walking in circles around the cave for an hour, I managed to pick up about 115,000 Pokédollars worth of Golden Berries, which I sold to the Pokémart for cold, hard cash!

The cave is also the home to some powerful and rare Pokémon, like Rhydon, Snorlax and Ditto. So if you get bored just walking around farming loot, you can rack up some catch combos and maybe even find a shiny Pokémon in the process!

This is the fastest way you can earn loot/currency in the game. So what are you waiting for...get over there and start farming until you have more money than you know what to do with!

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