Photo Credit: ESPN

This past weekend was filled with Street Fighter V action from EGX in England and Tokyo Game Show in Japan. Unfortunately, one player who pulled out of the TGS event was pro player Seon-woo “Infiltration” Lee.

According to Eventhubs, the gamer did not attend the event following allegations of domestic violence from his ex-wife. Infiltration was recently signed to the esports/FGC team Panda Global earlier this year. In a tweet from the team, they explained his absence.

Infiltration divorced from his ex-wife in 2017. With the news of the allegations, fans of the player have expressed their disappointment in the Juri player.

Even with the case, some think that this situation should be used as a teaching tool to help others in similar situations.

Until the case is resolved, Infiltration may be missing upcoming events including Capcom Cup in December.

An alleged copy of the transcript has been circulating through social media, but there is no word its accuracy as it was posted on Reddit. The situation is currently under investigation and more information about the case will be available upon release.

Do you think that Infiltration should still be allowed to compete in the FGC? Or should he be banned from events due to the possible backlash it may cause? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Follow Jeramie Lee on Twitter @JeramieLee87.