His Name is Kazuyoshi Miura is a Japanese soccer player. Now try to guess his AGE, I assure you he is older than your father and some grandparents!!!

Kazuyoshi Miura serves as center forward in his team Yokohama FC in the J1 League of Japan he is the captain and leyend in his club and country, Since it was the forerunner of Japan, it can be located in global levels both competitively and locally speaking,

He was part of the litter of talented players who started the reconstruction of Japanese football with names like Shunsuke Nakamura, Nakayama, or Nakata.

The difference is that they knew when to retire but Miura plans to continue for two more years turning 54 years this 2021!!!! AWESOME!

Nothing seems to slow down the career of this talented player, and he intends to continue increasing his record as the greatest active long-lived player.