There is no doubt that exercise is very beneficial for health. Generally people do exercise in the morning, but the density of one's activities makes them unable to exercise in the morning or during the day. This causes many people to exercise at night. Many people who crave night sports because they are not easily tired than during the day which tends to be hot so it consumes more energy.

Besides giving a positive impact, night sports also have a negative impact that must be considered.

Positive impact:

1. Time efficiency

2. Brain relaxation

3. Social interaction

4. Forming muscles

5. Burn calories

6. Reducing the risk of injury

7. Number of facilities

8. Sleep better

9. Makes us look youthful

10. Avoid us from unhealthy lifestyles

11. Prevent disease

12. Lungs are in the best condition

13. Pump the heart well

14. Helps Diet

15. Physical Health

16. Removes toxins and toxins all day long

17. Helps overcome sleep disturbances

18. For body fitness

19. To increase body movement

20. To make psychological conditions better

21. Helps improve mood in the morning

22. Solutions for those who are very busy

The negative impact of exercise at night:

1. Exercise that is carried out at night can trigger interference with the respiratory system due to less oxygen at night than during the day. This causes people who exercise at night to experience health problems, especially breathing.

2. Night vision tends to decrease compared to daytime so it does not close the possibility of injury. Although night sports are supported by light, the lights differ from natural sunlight which is better for eye health.

3. Too often exercising at night will result in a decrease in endurance. People who do night sports will get sick more easily.

4. Night sports can also cause joint pain. This is because the air temperature at night is cooler, where warm body temperature is forced to accept the surrounding temperature.

5. Night exercise can also cause insomnia. People who exercise night will certainly be fresher so it is difficult to sleep

The best time to exercise is in the morning when you wake up. In addition, sports can be done in the afternoon before sunset. If you are forced to exercise at night, you should not be too often.

In the medical world, there is no research that can definitively determine when is the best time to exercise. This difference in timing only affects the consequences that arise from each of the time choices.

Morning is the right time choice for you that is difficult to maintain consistency in exercise. A study shows that people who exercise in the morning tend to be able to routinely exercise these patterns. This exercise routine is also useful for lowering blood pressure for those of you who are able to live it.

In addition, exercising in the morning can also improve the quality of your night's sleep. Morning exercise keeps blood circulation smooth throughout the day, so you can rest immediately at night without being disturbed by other activities. But remember, in the morning the 'metabolism' of the body and muscles tends to be slow and stiff. So, the body needs a longer heating stage compared to exercise at other times

Exercise at night can be the right choice for those of you who find it difficult to get up early. However, if you choose this time, sports consistency must be maintained because activities throughout the day can shift or even thwart your sports schedule. Night becomes more ideal time than the morning for the readiness of your body's 'suit' and muscles. The body has been warmed up all day so you only have to continue with exercise.

However, exercising at night also has a negative side. When exercising, the work of the entire body system will increase. As a result, the body takes longer to relax before you go to sleep. This is what makes some people who exercise at night tend to feel disturbed nighttime sleep.

Choose sports time according to your daily activities. Regardless of the timing, the most important thing in sports is consistency. Keep your regular exercise schedule organized so that the body is able to quickly adapt and your goals of getting a healthy body and ideal can be achieved soon.

That is the information that we can convey about the Impact of Night Sports, hopefully useful