Have you ever heard the name of Dwayne Johnson?

Okay, do you know The Rock?

If you like wrestling and you do not know The Rock, that's impossible. When you see someone successful, we are inspired to see their achievement. What they do, that's incredible. We love and respect them.

Do you know what they did in life and how they got there where we all see them today?

Many people love and respect Dwayne Johnson, AKA, The Rock. Let's watch this video where he talks about his life and struggle.

The Rock

I know The Rock, but I did not know he went through different challenges and struggles like this before watching this video. If you like martial arts or any sports or even you do not like sports, I highly recommend watching this video.

We all have dreams. We want to do something in life. You see you are going in the right direction, but suddenly you find out it does not paly out as you thought before. You will be upset. You see people making negative comments like you cannot do it, you are never going to make it and so on.

I had 7 bucks in my pocket. -- Dwayne Johnson

If you are in a financial crisis some points in your life, you know exactly how it feels. When you have no money, you know how everything changes in the blink of an eye. We have to go through a hard time sometimes.

Things always do not go according to your plan. If you are an athletic, player, employee, or entrepreneur, you can relate that to your own life. Failure does not stop you, it shows you new ways to move forward. The Rock said that his back is against the wall. You cannot go back. In this situation, you have no option except going forward. And you have to move forward with full force.

You will face a lot of distraction. Sometimes you will find it difficult to stay focus. But if you can stay focus, and keep doing what you want to do, you will get the result sooner or later.

As Dwayne Johnson said, remember those hard times, remember how people treat you back then and keep it. That's your driving force to move forward.

Thank you so much for reading this and watching the video. Please feel free to express your thoughts in the comment section. I usually talk about martial arts and self defense. If you like martial arts, you can check out some of my recent posts.

Take care. Always be happy!

Source: Video and Video Credit: Emmanuel F