Headis is a tactical game in combination of both table tennis and heading in football. Each of those players are hitting the ball by the use of their head only wherein they make sure that it will bounce one from their table court and also to opponent.

They can have their body touched into the table but they are prohibited to use, only their heads are allowed to hit the ball.

It all started in Germany where it has been continuously spreading until the game has been known to the world. Tournaments are also held in such a way promoting it to the public and to the world. 

There are around ten to twelve tournaments each year and been participated more than 1,000 competitors. 

Each of those who joins the tournament uses their customized names rather than their regular names. Some notable people who always win in tournaments : Headsinfarkt and Heineken.

What do you think about this game? I am hoping that here in our country that they will organized such games.