Dirt and garbage are not just in our alley, but also in space. Just like Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a cleanliness mission in India, the same way, preparations for cleaning the garbage have started now.

According to scientists estimates, 7.5 thousand tonnes of waste is floating in the space. So many garbage can jam from our phones to TVs and space satellites.

Last year the window of the International Space Station was damaged due to the garbage. At the same time, European Satellite Envisat stopped working in 2012. Now he is roaming around the earth by becoming a garbage. This can damage other satellites.

British scientists have found a way to clean the garbage swirling in space. According to the plan, the trap in the space will be thrown in which the garbage can be trapped. Then that garbage will be brought to the earth. After entering the Earth's atmosphere, the waste will burn itself. Apart from this, a tool (Harpoon) is also ready to catch the garbage.

Scientists at the Surrey Space Center located in Surrey University are going to launch the 'Removable Deborrish Mission' soon. The aim of this mission is to see how much work will be done to clean the garbage and clean the harpoon by throwing a trap in space.

In June of this year, a test was conducted that how can the waste of space be collected by throwing a trap. This mission will cost 15 million euros. Under this, a satellite will be installed in the universe which will throw the trap and catch the garbage.