Daily info to support the ScorumPoker website!

Hallo Scorum! This is @bethalea. Tuck hired me to write some posts about the daily goings on at scorumpoker.com, the poker site with freerolls paying out in SCR he and @Ilbirraiooo created.

When Tuck gave me the posting key, he also moved all of the liquid SCR over to his personal account, to keep things nice and tidy. Your support of this blog will help keep the site up and running and fund m0ar freerolls!

Todays Scheduled Freerolls

The time to the right is my personal time, PST. It will show your personal time when you're logged in!

At the time of this posting, there is an upcoming @kryptokeeper 20 Chip Omaha Hi/lo game in about a half hour, and because @goldhunter is a sadist, he has sponsored FOUR simultaneous PLO/NLH games later this afternoon!

Join the ScorumPoker game today!