Good morning everyone! All right with you?
Today I will not do fitness or football's content, today it's going to be about people that think begging for uvpotes or upvote for upvote is worth. Let's find out.

About begging for upvotes

Upvote4Upvote or Follow4Follow is when 2 Users agree to follow/upvote each other. The offer usually comes in via a comment on one of your posts or perhaps via a private message in Telegram.

These are all examples of messages/comments that all users receive at some stage:

Jim : “Upvote4Upvote?”

Marie : “I upvoted. Upvote back?”

(fiction names)

We have been facing this problem for to much time and we gotta stop it. 

Sometimes, they try to disguise it as a nice comment about your post :

“Awesome post. I can’t wait to see more. I upvoted. I make also cool posts, give me some feedback and maybe upvote please?”

Make no mistake, the above comment is just a request for upvote4upvote . Other creators who make generic comments like that about your “awesome post” and who then go on to mention their own profile are just spamming you. I call it "selfadvertising". 

Maybe what happened was, they just copied that message and posted in a lot of posts so they could get more attention, without really reading your post.

Why do people do upvote4upvote?

They do this so that they can have more gains, and at the same time more recognition due to the fact that the posts with higher value of upvotes go to the hot page.

It’s usually new Scorum Users who know someone with a genuinely big and successful profile that started a long time ago and now the New Scorum User wants the same thing but is too impatient to work hard and build up his audience the proper way.

Others say to themselves that they’ll just do it to kickstart their profile to get audience for the first 100SP / followers or whatever and then they’ll stop. Bullsh*t. Guess what, that won't happen because you will get addicted to it.

Now, why you shouldn't do it?

I want to make something very clear. All of the above reasons are flawed. There is no valid reason for doing Upvote4Upvote. 

It does not work. 

At best, it’s a huge waste of time and most of the time, it will kill the reputation of your profile before it even gets started.

1 - Inactive Followers

The only thing that follow4follow accomplishes is that the followers count on your screen goes up. But they will all be inactive. By inactive, I mean that they will not watch your posts. Think about it.

And don’t kid yourself that your version of follow4follow or upvote4upvote is different and that you have formed a group of people who really do intend to watch everyone else’s content. You are deluded if you believe that. Do the math – Someone who does follow4follow with you is also doing it with other channels. 

Let’s say they have done it with 100 other profiles. Let’s assume on average those profiles upload 3 posts per week. So that’s 300 posts per week which works out at 42 posts per day. Do you really think that he’s going to read 42 posts per day every day from a load of profiles he doesn’t even care about?! Even if he wanted to, I’m sure you can see it’s physically impossible.

2 - Once you start, it’s hard to stop

It’s kind of like joining a gang or hanging out with a bad crowd. It’s not easy to quit and get rid of them. Profiles that do upvote4upvote are easy to identify and find and once you start, you’ll get more and more requests as time goes on.

Even when you decide you want to stop, the requests will keep coming in. It snowballs. It’s like a virus. And then when you start ignoring requests or refusing to do it, that’s when the trouble really starts. You’ll start getting nasty comments and spam.

Once a channel has the label of a follow4follower, it’s very hard to shake it off and before you know it, the channel is just a mess with a high upvote count, low payout count and loads of spammy comments.

3 - Grow your channel the proper way

Do you want to grow your audience for real or do you want to just pretend that you have a big profile and well known? There are no shortcuts. It takes hard work and patience. There are lots of real strategies and techniques that can help. The human mind can be easily controled, you just need to learn it.

Hey mikey, sorry for using you, but you did really a nice job in this next post I will use, hope you don't mind mate! If so, contact me! 

This post ( that was written by @mikey, a great blogger in my opinion, can really help you if you are having problems with payouts and low audience!

For now, forget upvote4upvote or whatever and concentrate on making the best possible quality posts you can. Good posts get upvotes from satisfied people who become fans. Fans will follow all by themselves and expect nothing in return except more great content. That’s the route to success. Not begging.


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Thank you all for reading, feel free to leave suggestions by commenting and upvote if you liked!


@andre2018 .