Pretty much everyone knows or has heard of SportsTalkSocial that is a Tribe on the Steem Blockchain. There has been a ton of crossover but instead of seeing it as competition, I see it as a chance to collaborate as many Scorumites are tagging their posts here and vice versa. It's a Win/Win scenario and already some top ten Whales like @Swolesome and other very well known names on here are already active and doing awesome. The founder is very social and active on discord and is talking in the Scorum Italia server with us and he runs his own server where he's very open to collaboration which is KEY. I think this is a good thing as both Scorum and SportsTalk are pretty active against abuse and abusers and encourage good content and a quality ecosystem. It is proactive and fast to act and seems to be a good ally for the Scorum Community. Competition or the notion of it breeds innovation and when done right........Allies and COLLABORATION.

The problem that happens is a lack of being able to see multiple things winning and coexisting that have different features. This is a free market and our stake and time is just that....OURS. I've seen a positive change here thus far with the updates and price increase and also with users being happy to be able to bounce around with friends. Scorum is unique in MANY ways so it's like comparing an Apple to a piece of Bacon.....both are yummy!

Your support of this blog is appreciated as I try to make "paying it forward" an artform. Check out my "Bank of Axe" program to see open slots for SCR drops that I do!

Scorum On and Hope to see Moar Green