

The ability to delete posts with comments

Currently you cannot delete your own posts with any number of comments on it. Where this is logically stopping people from losing or taking away power/earnings on comments it is also taking away the author's right to his/hers own content control. Also it reduces quality control so poor posts are stuck. Reducing the system... like weak bricks in a building, content can be inspiring, useful, engaging but it can also reduce a site if not controlled correctly (which also refers to #2).


Forced Content depth,

Obviously Scorum isn't designed to be a writers hub but the ability to post any amount of words is a boarderline joke. Having a minimum word-count, images etc stops people taking advantage. Even something as small as 2X images and 200 words gives a basic foundation and structures content to align to certain new AI and SEO algorithms.


time-scaling posts

The ability to post too many times per day is asking for trouble, setting limits on how many posts you can do both benefits the user and the business/eco system model (a better structure and site means more value). Posting too much takes away from the collective beautiful of the idea of the community and leaves Scorum short on "growth".

(quantity could potentially be relative to earnings - higher earners have the ability to post more or less and also potentially aligned to a quality score (all this doesn't need to be on the profile, it could just be a basic AI in the back office).


SCR logo

(scr logo clashes with several iconic apps, biggest of all "shazam" which has a large public presence and it actually patented).

I am actually a graphic designer by trade so seeing this annoys me.

I believe in scorum but this logo is lazy, it looks like they took the shazam logo, flipped it, cut two edges and changed the can do better.

Keep up the good work Scorum, I may post some logo alternatives and more ideas for efficient changes throughout the flow and concept of the site.