Designed by @akudozen.

For every Episode of Scorum's Sports Q & A Time, i make a post to announce the successful winners from the participants.

The announcement usually comes after 3 or 4 days when the 3 available spots/positions have been claimed, or when no one wants to put in his or her entry any longer. In addition, i also made sure that before any announcement, the necessary payments to respective wallets of winners have been concluded.


For contest number 14, 4 users put in their entries. Unlike contest number 13 that had only 3 participants which is still quite good, considering the situation of things on the platform right now.


The winner for contest number 14 is exactly not quite clear due to the way the questions were answered. None of the participants was able to get all five questions correctly nor were certain questions answered clearly and satisfactorily. For this reason, everyone who put in his or her entry will get 15scr coins.


"Anyone who finishes a race, whether as being the first or the last to cross the finish line is a winner in every sense, though prizes/trophies may differ, just know that there is glory in the triumph".

Below is the list of users who participated and won various Scr Coins in SSQ&AT).


1. @idunique

2. @Ronald420

3. @peman85

4. @stanleyazokingz.


The answers to contest #14 are provided below for the purpose of enlightenment and clarification.


1. who was the opponent when Ronnie O'Sullivan made the fastest ever 147 at the Crucible? Answer: Mick Price.

2. When was the first game under the Modified Rules played? Answer: 20 Jan, 1892.

3. Who is considered the tallest Basketball player of all time? Answer: Suleiman Ali Nashnush.

4. When was the first World Championship instituted? Answer: for men 1950 and for women 1953.

5. Who holds the record of scoring 1277 goals in 1352 Games in his spanning 22 years? Answer: Pele.

6. Which Indian Boxer won the Heavyweight titles in the 5th and the 6th as Aid? Answer: Hawa Singh.

7. Who was the only Heavyweight World Champion to remain undefeated. Answer: Rocky Marciano. 49 wins during 1946 to 1956.

8. Who was the winner of the 2008 Beijing Mens Olympic winner? Answer: Michael Phelps.

9. When was Beach Volleyball instituted in Olympic? Atlanta Olympics, 1996.


Congratulations to the winners and for those who participated.


I urge the newly registered users on scorum to participate in Scorum"s Q & A Time contests. They can also participate in other contests and give always that like minded users are currently running on weekly basis. Doing so will showcase them quickly to the platform as well as increase their SP's and build their reputations.


Users who will be interested in future contest are advised to keenly watch this space especially on Saturdays. (However, there is no specific time for posting the contest though).


Sincerely @izge.