We can make the Developers hear our voice. :)

► Scorum Feature Requests: Issue #2

This isssue #2 is all about Comment-related feature requests:

Comment Editing: The post editing is somewhat useful as it allows the users to edit the post tags, but the comment is so primitive. Once commented, there is no way to edit and correct the mistake.

Comment Deleting: Like “comment editing”, there isn’t an option to delete the comment you did.

Markdown editor for comment field box: Could we please already get the markdown editor for the comment field too? — Option to format the text and post images in the comment!

Permalink to the comment: Being able to share something on the internet is the most important part of socializing. So, adding a feature to get the permalink of the comment would surely allow the community to share more and do more!

Let's support this post and take it to the front page, and make the developers and mods hear the community voice.

Also, I will be updating more Issues in upcoming posts, until then if you feel like you have any other feature requests, please drop in the comments below.

              Let's contribute to the community!


This is me, Mahesh Shrestha, signing off now. Meet you all in my next upcoming post!