Scorum is one of the projects in which I am personally more involved. For two main reasons: its potential and the community with which I exchange opinions and ideas on a daily basis. It will lack marketing but the key element for the success of a project is a community strongly committed to work daily for the benefit of this project.

I'm personally working on various aspects to make Scorum known that include various Social Media.


If you go on this link you will be directed to Quora, a Social Media of questions and answers based on the quality of the questions and above all the answers. After a few minutes of navigation on it, you will already immediately notice how true this is my last statement. Su Quora currently write the best authors, CEOs, and scholars in the world. It is a showcase for those who know and want to share their knowledge. In the link in question that I have referred to you there is the following question:

After your top five or six coins, what coin would you recommend? If you had to pick one coin outside of the top 200 which one would you pick?

It is interesting that this question is addressed to Marius Kramer, the world's number 1 writer on Quora regarding topics concerning cryptocurrencies and blockchain. I assure you that this guy really understands blockchain and it will be enough to read two or three of his answers for you to notice it. But back to us: why am I reporting this guy and Quora? Because it is a huge possibility for Scorum to be notified and known. Marius Kramer currently has, only on Quora, 6.4 million visits to his answers and virtually all targeted visits. I posted a comment under this question that says:

You should study Scorum, one of the best blockchain project in 1–10M range. It’s a fork of Steemit with a social blogging platform dedicated to the sports, esports and betting niche. They have also created a betting exchange where to bet with their crypto SCR. It is the first betting exchange in the world with 0 fees. They have a significantly better graphics than steemit and a blockchain based on graphene technology that guarantees 10K tp / s. However, the best of Scorum is that the team is open to the needs of the community and the community itself is very strong and cohesive. In 2018 they launched a betting and blogging platform, in 2019 they aimed at the mobile version and the implementation of new markets in the betting exchange. The only big defect of this project is, in my opinion, the fact that they do little or no marketing. Finally, they also built an anti-plagiarism tool and another thing that impressed me was the token metrics: 30 million pre-minted tokens divided into 10 million SCRs and 20 million SPs. The SCRs are traded on the exchanges and used in the betting exchange while the SPs have to be put on the platform to have voting power, a bit like how steemit works. The difference is that the conversion from SP to SCR occurs in 12 months and not 13 weeks as on steemit guaranteeing more stability to the currency and more commitment on the part of the bloggers. I would really like you to analyze it and tell me your opinion about it.

I think it's an exhaustive answer in a few lines to give an idea to Marius and his readers about Scorum. Now I need your Upvote on Quora to make sure that my comment is taken into consideration.

Quora is a social media on which we should all spend a lot of time and implement a strategy to promote Scorum since it is populated by very interesting people who have a close eye on the blockchain world.


There are two main ways to promote Scorum on the social network of Mark Zuckemberg: directly and indirectly.

For directly, I intend to go in the various groups dedicated to the cryptocurrencies and the blockchain and write post regarding the operation of Scorum. Beware that this last step is very important. Writing post on Facebook is much more functional than posting a link, I'm probably saying obviousness for most of you but for those who do not know, Facebook has an algorithm that tends to benefit those who post content directly on their platform and to disadvantage who post external links. How do you do it? Simply increasing the organic reach (the possibility of your post to be seen, to stay in the first positions of groups or to get in the feeds of your friends) of posts written on Facebook, and decreasing that of external links.

A trick to "cheat" the algorithm of Facebook is to write a part of your post, or a description, and then write at the end of the post [Link in the comments] and post your link in the comments section.

For indirectly I intend to do the above, that is to write a description or a part of your post with the final link in the comments, and go to share it in the groups concerning the category you have written. For example Football or specifically Premier League, or betting predictions and so on. Writing a post and then promoting it only in the group of Discord and Telegram groups of Scorum, is of little use even if you earn hundreds of SPs: if we do not reach new people and new investors the value of SCR will collapse inexorably.

Below you will find a picture of a Scraping tool that found me only using the keywords "blockchain italia" 84 groups existing on this topic with 20% of them with more than 500 active members. Places with incredible potential reach to share my ideas and opinions regarding Scorum. The same can be done with groups of betting, football, tennis etc. The tool in question also supports other social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin etc. for scraping, autoposting, autoliking and lots of other interesting features. It is called Jarvee.

Social Links

Telegram: @mauryis

Scorum & MY Instagram: Scorum - Mine

My Scorum Blog:

My Steemit Blog:

Our Discord channel: