Hey guys, this is my first time on this platform and I saw that it’s a good idea to introduce myself to give everyone a better idea about my interests and what I wish to create content about!

My name is Julia and I am currently studying to become a Endorsed Enrolled Nurse (nearly done!). I love to help and support individuals and this also leads me to enjoy having different conversations and discussions which is why I think this platform is perfect for me.

My interests include the NBA which I am a massive fan of and have been for a long time. I try play basketball but I’m not the best! Will get better though! My favourite player in the NBA is Lebron James because of his ability to be so strong and dominant. My passion and love for the sport will lead me to provide content and create articles around the NBA and hopefully you guys will enjoy my posts :)

I am also a cryptocurrency investor and love the new technology blockchain which is creating a lot of attention around the world. I would also like to talk about blockchain ideas with people who are interested in the space which will also help me learn more about the technology and things that can be created from this innovation. Posts and articles regarding iconic sporting moments and history events is another avenue i would like to explore and create posts about to see which moments is relevant and importance to others so we can have interesting conversations.

Thanks for reading my introduction post and I hope you enjoyed it. Everyone seems nice on this platform and I hope I can contribute to provide quality content and join in meaningful conversations and grow with this awesome, unique platform!