The Game where everyone wins!

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The following is my interpretation of pages 33-34 of the White Paper concerning payouts for blogs and comments, and then my recommendations for Scorum Users in order to best profit from their time and investment. This interpretation has not been reviewed by the Scorum Team and should not be considered as hard fact. If you have questions about these payouts you should ask the Scorum Team members for a more accurate interpretation.

Excerpts from the White Paper:

                          Activity Reward Distribution

At Scorum, users get rewarded for being active on the platform: from post

authors to commenters to users who cast their votes for posts.

Publication author gets:

● 75% from the publication payout sum.

● 50% from the payout sum allocated for all authors of comments of the 1st


● 25% from the payout sum allocated for all authors of comments of the 2nd


● And so forth until the comments of the 6th level inclusive.

Comment author gets:

● 75% from the comment payout sum.

● 50% from the payout sum for all the comments of the 1st level.

● 25% from the payout sum for all the comments of the 2nd level.

● And so forth until the comments of the 6th level inclusive.

User who voted gets:

● 25% of the payout for the publication/comment distributed among all the

users who voted for it.

The reason that I'm reviewing this information is that I continue to see a lot of confusion concerning payouts, how they work, and what is the best way for you as an individual to earn an income on Scorum.

As an example, let's say that you are a blogger who spent 4 hours researching and writing a blog that has earned $100 worth of upvotes. At the end of the 7th day, you will receive approximately $75 for your work and the other $25 will be divided among every curator who upvoted that blog. Thus if I were one of the curators and I gave you, the author, an upvote worth $1 then you will receive $0.75 of that upvote and I will receive approximately $0.25 from the same upvote. I say approximately because the amount I actually earn will be affected by the timing and power of my vote. If I vote within the first 5 minutes then 100% of my upvote goes straight to the blog author, this is a safety feature to deter upvote bots and it gives readers who have been greatly moved by the content the ability to give the author a maximum reward. This extra reward going to the blog author continues in decreasing amounts until 30 minutes from the time the blog was posted has expired. At 15 minutes after the blog was posted then a full 50% of the reward will go straight to the author and the amount will continue to decrease over the course of 30 minutes. This means then for a curator to receive a full reward for an upvote on a blog it is best to make that upvote after the first 30 minutes has passed. The very highest return on an upvote that a curator can receive is by being the first one to give an upvote after the end of 30 minutes and also upvote the post with the greatest amount of Voting Power. In doing this the Curator will have put himself/herself at the front of the line to receive the greatest amount of the 25% from the payout pool that will go to the curators.

Blog writer receives 75% of the payout from the blog and Curators receive 25% of the payout.


So looking at these numbers it sounds like the Blogger wins the game, but not so fast because the game is not over yet.

Now let's take the Curator's role and see what happens!

Keep in mind that the following numbers are not exact amounts, they are approximations. The actual formulas for calculating the payouts take several factors into consideration which I have no way of knowing or determining. Many of these upvotes also go into payout pools and some of the formulas calculate the payouts from the total amount in the pool and not from individual upvotes. All that to say that this is only an approximation and is only meant to give you an idea of how it all works.

We now know that when a Curator upvotes a blog then the author of that blog will receive 75% and the curator will receive 25% of the reward. But what happens if the Curator takes an addition 5-10 minutes to make a comment on the blog which will add extra value to the post as a whole. What is your opinion worth? Can you add some more information to what the blog author has written? Do you have good follow up questions that will help clarify some of the blog author's points? Your opinions and thoughts have value and it is in the best interest of bloggers to upvote the good comments that will generate more discussion. The reason is that the longer and greater the discussion the more the author of the blog stands to earn because the author will get a percentage of every comment upvote. Additional comments are also good for the curator because if the curator comments and others, including the author comments on the first comment, then the writer of the first comment stands to earn even more rewards. 

So here is how it works;

The Curator reads the blog and upvotes it earning 25% of the upvote. Then the Curator takes a few minutes to write a comment that will add value to the blog and generate even more discussion. The commenter (Curator) will now receive 75% of the rewards for every upvote that his/her comment receives. That means that if the blogger values the comment and upvotes it $1, then the Curator will receive $0.75 and the blogger will receive $0.25 creating a value for value situation. This will be true for anyone else who upvotes the comment, the Curator will receive 75% of every upvote and the upvoter will receive 25%. All comments that are made at the first level will work in this manner. 

Now I hope that you can see that the Curator has spent much less time and research than the blogger, but is now receiving similar rewards just for leaving a good comment. The Curator will have to make a lot more comments in order to earn as much as the blogger, but they are spending less time on each blog that they visit. Because the Curator has spent less time reading, curating and commenting than the blogger did researching and writing, he now has much more time to go to other blogs and write more good comments.

 A Curator who is a fast reader and who is knowledgeable in many subjects could earn very similar amounts as a good blogger if they are willing to work at it. But that is not the end of it either, because if the comment was good enough to generate even more discussion then the earnings will move on to the next tier!

Now that the Curator has left a great comment that has generated even more discussion and other curators are upvoting his/her comment and then replying, these second level comments will also then receive upvotes. 50% of the vote at this 2nd tier level will go to the person making the comment, 25% will go to the author of the first comment, and 25% will go to the original blog author. So you see that it is in the best interest of both the blogger and the author of the first comment to also upvote good second level comments so that everyone gets paid! This process will continue for as long as people continue to come and comment on a blog, that is why the goal for writing should most often be geared towards generating as much discussion as possible.

So who wins at the Scorum earnings game?

In my opinion, the winners on the Scorum blogging platform are those who discover what they are best suited for, blogging or curating, and then concentrating their time and voting power in that direction. It is essential that bloggers reward good curators who read and upvote their blogs and then leave a good comment that adds value to that blog. It is also essential that curators visit the blogs that pertain to areas that they are most knowledgeable in and that they enjoy reading about. This will make it much more interesting and fun to make comments and interact with the blogger and others who are reading and commenting on the blog. You win on Scorum by having fun, by learning new things, and by making new friends and developing lasting relationships. This is after all a "Social" networking platform. The goal should be to do what you are already doing on other social networks except by being on Scorum you are getting paid for your time.

Each one of us should be enjoying and looking forward to every day that we get to spend time on Scorum. If you are struggling to write good blogs and earn from them, then try putting the time that you are wasting to better use by looking all over Scorum for the blogs of others that you find interesting or that are concerning subjects that you know something about. Read and comment on those blogs even if you don't currently have enough SP to give them a proper upvote. If you add value to the blog with your comment then you will probably be rewarded for that effort and soon those rewards will add up until you have built up your account. Once you have built some SP up in your account then you can really start earning greater rewards through upvoting the best content.

By finding out what suits us best on Scorum we can socialize with others and spend our days doing constructive work at the same time, and in doing so we can all become winners. Bloggers rewarding curators, curators rewarding bloggers and each adding value to each other's lives and to the Scorum blogging platform. 

Soon the photo database will also become active so that all of the photographers out there will also be able to take part and earn rewards. If you are currently not earning much for your efforts then you just haven't found your niche here on Scorum, but I encourage you to continue hanging around and earning where you can. By staying active and keeping up to date on what is going on you will not miss out on all of the things that are coming to the Scorum World in the near future, there will be many more ways to earn as the platform continues to grow and develop.

If you have read this blog and you think that you are ready to start earning SP as a curator and commenter, then make sure that you leave me a comment that adds value to this blog or that leads to more comments and conversation. If you can do that then I will reward you with an upvote accordingly. If your comment indicates that you didn't read the blog or if it smells like it is just some way of fishing for an upvote without adding any real value then it will probably be ignored and it will be a waste of both of our time. 

It is my desire that everyone who joins Scorum earns a good income and also that they enjoy every minute of their time here. Thank you for reading and I hope that if you are qualified to do so that you will correct me anywhere that I have made an error in my assessment of the rewards system. I would really appreciate anyone who can put even more light on how the rewards work and how we can all maximize our efforts and here.

I give my permission for anyone to translate this blog in its entirety and in its original context and post it in their own blog of their primary language Scorum site. I just ask that you please include a link back to the original English version here.