A journey will often take longer than you initially planned for. That's fine. Things happen that alter the direction that we have to take in all walks of life.

Driving on unfamiliar roads recently, I missed my exit. "Damn it", I thought, before my satellite navigation system simply recalculated a new route to my desired destination. Although things had changed, there was a clear path laid out to where I wanted to go.

Scorum has suffered at the hands of variables that weren't foreseen by developers when the initial roadmap was created. There are sure to be lots that we aren't even aware of, but the most obvious would have to be the volatility of cryptocurrency markets that saw Ethereum's price plummet shortly after Scorum's ICO.

I can only assume that most of the funds raised were kept in ETH and that has led to a massively reduced budget for the developers to work with. I'm not sure how much of the cash has been spent but it's easy to sympathise with the fact that the developers have had to change their initial plans.

In the same way that I missed my exit, Scorum's developers have gone off course from their initial roadmap.


This isn't an issue in itself. Sure, it's a major inconvenience, but it's no reason to down tools. The major problem, as far as I'm concerned, is not that Scorum has gone off course. It's the fact that, unlike my satellite navigation system, the development team haven't given me a new route to work with.

We're being told that things are still going on in the background and that progress is being made, but it's like we're driving down unknown roads with a blindfold on. We have no idea where we are, where we should be, or how far away from the end goal we are.

My request, therefore, is that the development team pulls over and takes a little time to plan a new route. The website is still showing a roadmap that screams of a project that is behind schedule.

Let's see an updated roadmap with a new schedule. That in itself will instil confidence in investors and users that we are actually headed for a specific destination.

Updates from Vlad are great. However, they don't really tell us much other than "something is coming at some point in the future". We need more than that.

  • When are you planning to release the centralised sportsbook?  
  • When is the mobile site going to be completed?
  • When are new sports being added to the betting exchange?
  • What other updates are on the horizon?

What we need are recalculated figures. As things stand, I have no idea what is or isn't planned for the next year. Vague hints at work going on in the background isn't enough.

With all of this being said, I do believe that Scorum can have a healthy future. A few little updates on the planned route could make all the difference in regard to keeping current users happy and also attracting new people to the community.