Hello Scorum

Summer is having us in its tight grip, this week is the hottest week so far this year and it is not over yet. But at least I am finding some time again to continue with my Scorum Patronage. The last few weeks I just didn't find the drive to come here and keep things rolling, but I surely noticed that something is going on. Apparently some great people are working on a bridge to the Binance chain, using a BSCR token. At least we are getting some more attention recently, fingers crossed it all will pay out in more active users and a higher Scorum Coin price. Not sure where the whole market is moving to right now, for a few days it seemed as if Bitcoin will get back on track, but this direction needs to be confirmed first before we can come out with any further prediction. I am feeling a lot of potential right now, so we might need to buckle of for another crazy, bumpy but fun ride towards the end of the year. I am ready!

Nominations for WEEK 31

This gonna be the 31th round of Scorum Patronage in 2021. I usually ask you a very simple question:

Which user here at Scorum deserves a little attention and should be supported by me for a whole week?

Please nominate some Scorum users who needs some support or some initial boost. I am thinking about all those new members of our growing and creative community but also about everyone else who is having a hard time finding its place here on Scorum.