Kewl background by ATS-David

Black Ops

We know how much you like the Black Ops font so we made BROsino 72% more Black Ops'ier! Well it looks kinda kewl I think. It's only used in the Headers and gives it the BRO feel you've all been yearning.

Warning : The Casino General has determined that Slots are addictive.


Since the BROsino Beta testing started we've added a few new games, Blackjack and Video Poker, so we decided they also need their own Leaderboard system! Work is scheduled to be started some time next week. I don't anticipate it will take long to complete, but it will be a key element to the site and required prior to releasing to the wild.

Video Poker is a blast while Blackjack is the most widely played.

When BROsino?

As always Pinky ... SOON!

Casino War is another one of my favorites I hope we can add soon!

I would love to give you a date on release to the public, but I won't. There are so many things we would like to do to the site prior to everyone jumping onboard with us and the testers, but we'll try not to wait too long doing that.

We have STEEM/SBD (and just about any other cryptocurrency) integration setup, but currently we are only going to be accepting those two. If Scorum decides to add support for their token then we will add it as well very easily. There is also an option of taking PayPal on the table.

It shouldn't be much longer, the bones are ready, we're touching up the flesh and putting on some makeup now. However ... we're also building BRO Poker and would like to get it tied together with the BROsino so that you the players can transfer balances between your accounts on the two sites if you choose.

Win big at slots and need some chips for the late night poker tournament at BRO Poker? Just securely transfer some of your credits over from BROsino to your BRO Poker account and approve it and you're ready to go in no time at all!

On another Poker note...

Steem & Scorum Poker Leagues

As many of the regular players in the Scorum Poker League know, but many of you may not, we have merged the Steem Poker Leagues site over to the website and it has really given attendance a boost!

Players are now able to play in multiple league's games more easily with our new synchronized break system. No matter when your tournament started or how many you are in or what league you are in, it will break at 50 minutes past the hour if it has one scheduled.

With this merger the Ring Games have also picked up and more Steemians are coming over to join Scorum and learn about what's going on here, asking about BetScorum and so on. We're like Grassroots Community Builders here and stuff.

See you at the tables!