The World is full of paradoxes. After the October success despite the fact that all BetScorum services went down, with only a few people left, Betman expected blowback — he expected betting at this platform will be rare as an honest politicians. Derived from that expectation, Betman expected winning anything will be as possible as finding a sane billionaire. But then, to Betman’s utmost surprise, a miracle happened…

Instead of having trouble to win anything, Betman actually made absolutely outstanding result in November, despite the fact that Arse(nal) has broken a wonderful streak of eight wins:

15:00 CET: Norwich City vs. Arsenal FC 2 @1.68 ❌
17:30 CET: Leicester City vs. Everton FC 1 @1.574 ✅

So, with Leicester, Betman begins… NO, it’s NOT the movie! Betman begins new streak… if anyone but me still stays here.

That depends on what you expect from SCR value, dear girl. If you expect that SCR could rise from the current level to a $1000, then we are both millionaires! Because, yes, Betman in November got more by betting, then during all previous months together! It was a fantastic… and I have to repeat: fantastic 1984.80 SCR (almost 6 dollars, dear pic baby! Are you still in?) with a 22.80% ROI! Astounding! Marvelous! Unbelievable!

Was it because:

  • Less choice, more time to research for the greatest football plonkers?
  • Less betting, more thinking about betting strategy?
  • More thinking about betting strategy, less chance to make a big mistake?
  • Or it was because other people have made bigger mistakes than Betman?
  • Or because Betman had a birthday in November?
  • Or it was simply because of Betman’s brilliant sports knowledge, his ingenious betting strategy, phenomenally precise odds setting and use of his deep knowledge of essential psychology?

Nah… It was because someone else actually made a drastic mistakes, and Betman was the only left at BetScorum to make a use of it. So, thanks again for all the mistakes, and I hope to see them again in December!

And since we mentioned December, is it too much to try Santa Claus, and ask him for WTA tennis in 2020? Ladies’ volleyball? Or at least news post in Scorum Loyalty Program for tipsters? Anything?

I’m afraid we’ll only find out if Santa exists!