In the absence of Chelsea, Liverpool took on the role of Betman's bets destroyer. And they did it masterfully on Thursday – as a hosts, they have been completely burned by — Burnley!

Betman had to pay the delusion those plonkers has learned to play football. Ridiculous! They had a lucky virus year, and that is all. Knowing they can’t repeat that not even in dreams, they have started luring Betman to invest on them – they made a series of four games without a win, and yes, Betman thought they can’t be that bad to lose home game against Burnley…

Betman has missed obvious signs of a catastrophe, that were clearly visible at the Liver(bl**dy)Poor’s coat of arms!

You see that burning flames? Burnley did it! They have prepared a roasting of that crippled chicken in the middle which can’t even walk on its own! Bon appetite!

And you know what that mean, don’t you? Betman is forced to go back to the drawing table to prepare a new plan, to write some more about the football ‘syndicate’ and to offer more odds at BetScorum:

As Betman can understand, a number of SCR is going down, so you might expect its value will not go into negative… yet. So, you still have the time to spend it efficiently, and have some fun in the process…

Chorley bet, anyone?