Samantha Edithso, Source


Before Then Muhammad Zohri won the U-20 athletic world champion, Indonesian child chess player, Samantha Edithso turned out to have carved it first in the 2018 U-10 FIDE World Championship in Minsk, Belarus, at the end of June.

For this achievement, Samantha, who was still 10 years old, was invited by the Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi to his office to be given an appreciation like Zohri.

After the event, Samantha also tells why she likes chess sport until finally can become world champion.

Read: Samantha Edithso, Indonesian Chess Player who will become the World Grandmaster Candidate

"The first time just for fun in the school eskul. I know chess when I was in Santa Ursula Elementary School, now I chose chess, the story was that when we had to choose three essays, I chose the choir and drawing. One is lacking, on Monday my schedule is empty and on Monday there is only futsal with chess, so I choose chess, "Samantha said.

Ddariya lee vs Samantha Edithso

Samantha's talent began to be discovered by a trainer at her school at the age of six, seeing her significant development and talent in the field of chess, Samantha's father immediately gave an exercise program with a special trainer.

As time goes by, little Samantha just keeps on achievement. In fact, in his young age, Samantha has won several achievements including the national championship and until now the mainstay of PB Percasi.

After winning the title of junior world champion, Samantha was determined to break the record for the youngest grand master.