Cricket is a very old collective sport (14th century), it is played with bats and balls. 2 teams composed of 11 players clash on a turf and oval field in the center of which is an area of ​​twenty meters in length.

In this area is a wooden structure called the "wicket" where the throws are made. But can we slim down with cricket ?

A sports activity such as cricket can effectively fight against weight and monitor and stabilize its weight while oxygenating, taking pleasure in being with people and practicing a de-stressing activity.

With more than 40 minutes of this sport practiced regularly, it is possible to lose several pounds in a few months.

Work on your stamina :

Cricket is an endurance sport that will burn a lot of calories. It is practiced over a long period and thus solicits a bulky muscle mass.

Similarly, cricket can work on muscle building, especially in the abdominals, buttocks, thighs, back and arms.

By practicing this sport, you will not become "body-builders" but will keep a curved and refined silhouette.

Maintenance work :

Casually, cricket imposes that we know how to behave well and that all our muscles are perfectly coordinated to succeed. And to succeed in maintaining well, it is not enough to be thin and muscular. By practicing cricket, your nervous system will program and automate muscle contractions that will give you a beautiful look and a beautiful silhouette.

Cricket and diet ?

Sport like cricket is essential to lose weight effectively. Energy expenditure during exercise is useful because you maintain your muscle mass. In case of diet, we often tend to focus on fat but we lose as soon as the muscles lose their tone. With sports like cricket and a diet tailored to everyone's needs, you'll be able to stabilize your weight or even lose fat while toning your muscles.

When the body is used to moving and exerting effort, it reaches what is called a new "weighterostat", another form weight that is more suited to your lifestyle. You are then thinner and you can, in addition, give you a few differences without the scale does not hold you.

A sport to practice sustainably :

To burn more fat, your body needs to be more oxygenated than to burn sugar. With intense exercise, oxygen is rapidly lost and the muscle first uses sugar. While with a long-lasting and moderate exercise, the body has enough oxygen and the muscles prefer to burn fat.

With cricket, you consume lipids through a long-lasting but low-intensity sport.